Sep '16
Anglers Den Annual Fall Jamboree / Open House 2016
Posted by Thomas Zarecki in Dry Fly, English Angling Trappings, Featured Events, Fly Fish and Tying Gallery, fly tying instruction, Fly Tying. New York, Nymphs for trout, Pawling Fishing, Trout Fishing, Tying Materials
Get your fly tying mojo cooking again!

Dave Brandt: Renowned Fly Tyer & Fly Casting Instructor. Dave Needs no introduction. He simply is one of the most engaging and knowledgeable guys in the Fly Fishing industry. Dave is known for his Traditional Catskill Dry Flies & great sense of humor. Take this opportunity to ask questions and learn from the best!

Dan Thomas: Creator of the Calamus, series of trout flies, Dan was born and raised in northeastern Pennsylvania. Dan is a member of the Catskill Fly tyer's guild, as well as the Catskill Fly Fishing Museum. He is a regular tyer at the International Fly Fishing Show, as well as the the International Fly Tying Symposium. His love for the sport of fly fishing as well as the art of fly tying, have driven him to create some exceptionally innovative, and effective patterns through the years.
Fly Tying Demonstrations will start around 10 am.
We will have fly rods set up to test drive outside as well.
New Inventory:
We just received a fresh new stock of materials for the Fall!
(Ice Dub, Zonkers, Marabou, Hackle, Diamond Braid, McFly Foam, Threads, Hooks, Estaz, et..)
We look forward to seeing everyone and sharing our fish or fish"less" stories!
Come stop by to hang out, laugh, meet some new people, learn something, and find out what fly fishing adventures could be in your near future!
100% Chance of a Good Time!
Don't forget to Mark your Calendars!
Anglers Den
11. West Main St.
Pawling NY, 12564
Shop Phone:
Store Hours:
Wednesday - Friday: 12pm-7pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: 10am - 2pm
Closed: Monday & Tuesday
Anglers Den
11. West Main St.
Pawling NY, 12564
Shop Phone:
Store Hours:
Wednesday - Friday: 12pm-7pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: 10am - 2pm
Closed: Monday & Tuesday